Monday, March 12, 2007

Is Newt’s confession a sign of things to come?

With Newt Gingrich's admission of his shortcomings to James Dobson and with Jerry Falwell’s praise, we may be hearing an announcement soon. Acceptance among the Religious Right is key to getting the Republican nomination. It will be interesting to see what develops. Meanwhile, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and John McCain continue to go head to head in the polls. If a solid, consistent conservative who is well-known was to come on the scene, these three may fall to the wayside. Duncan Hunter is a decent conservative but nobody knows him. In fact, there are several reasonable candidates but they lack name recognition. Besides Newt, there is rumor that former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson is considering a run as well. Thompson is another well known conservative who could take the nomination should he decide to run. Time will tell, but waiting too long may cost conservatives a candidate that actually stands for the principles of the Republican Party.

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