Tuesday, March 13, 2007

God relegated to the sidelines

Viewing the new Dollar coin being minted by the US Treasury, one may be astonished by the design. Each coin features on one side a unique design that shows a different President. On the other, the Statue of Liberty and the text “United States of America”. Ironically, something is missing. This symbol of freedom denotes the tremendous liberty we have in this country. Yet the Author of that liberty has been brushed to the side. The quote “In God we Trust” is missing, or so it seems. On the edge, the two millimeter edge, are the “acknowledgement” of God and the phrase E. Pluribus Unum.
With the continual bombardment of court cases by the ACLU to remove any and all references to the Almighty from Public life, it seems that the political correctness of the day has succeeded in intimidating the United States Government. While they will probably deny this allegation, the fact is, they have become ashamed of God. Fearing the security of their jobs rather than standing on principle, the political establishment has become lofty in their own eyes. Seeing no reason to give reverence to the One who has blessed this great nation, they see their own accomplishments as the reason for our success.
Was it an accident? Did they run out of room on the coin? Have they decided that the Establishment Clause refers to the mere acknowledgment of God or is it political correctness run amuck? You decide.

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